2020 was a rough year.  So…  we want to set the year on its ear.

Instead of focusing on what made 2020 terrible or sad or disappointing… The Ready Fitness Team wanted to talk about being grateful. We are all so thankful for what we have and for our blessings!

So Happy Holidays from all of us… and bring on 2021!!!!!


“I’m grateful for the work-family that has surrounded me with support, humor, and encouragement through 2020.”

– Scott Lipka

“I am grateful for my granddaughters, (aka Big Pop’s “partners-in-crime”) They moved back from Houston and are now only minutes away as opposed to halfway across the country! Soo grateful!”

– Matt Braswell


“The heart and soul member of our family is our dog BaLou. He is a Cane Coso and turned nine years old this past Thanksgiving. With nine getting up there in age for a large breed dog, this past year and everything going on, COVID has allowed me to be home much more than I usually would be and I am grateful for the time I otherwise would not have had spent with my best friend. Merry Christmas!”

– Brett Huffman


“I’m grateful for my kids and my grandkids, and the good health we all enjoy. I’m grateful that I still have my mother at 96. I’m grateful for my dear friends, some of whom have become as close as family. And I’m grateful to Eric for allowing me the opportunity to wake up each morning and go to work with such a great team of co-workers.  A bit corny but true nonetheless!”

– Billy Richter


“I’m first and foremost thankful for my wife who has been supportive and by my side through all the ups and downs of business as well as all my surgeries. Can’t imagine a life without her! I’m thankful for wonderful and loyal clients as well as working in an industry that is deemed essential when so many others are out of work! “

– Tony Cameron



I am grateful for so much so it is hard to say one thing. However, I am most grateful for my husband Eric and son Jonathan. We have had some time this year together that we may not have had due to Covid-19. At the start of Covid-19 Jonathan had just started working in the ER as a tech. For 6 weeks Jonathan, Eric, and I were all together. Jonathan was only allowed to go to the hospital and home. It was during this time that the three of us strengthened our bond as a family. In September we took Jonathan whitewater rafting for his 21st birthday. As hard as this year has been I appreciate the bright spots like this one.

– Cel Smart

“I am grateful my family is healthy!   They are my MVP’s!”

– Eric Coryer






I am grateful for the silver linings of this year. COVID affected my family with the loss of time together, taste, and smell but no loss of life. My wife and I celebrated our 21st Wedding Anniversary this year and, with a lot of contract negotiations, she signed up for another 21 years. And my daughter jumped into Covid College at UAB with both feet and started off with a 3.75. God is good, even during a bad time! You just need to look for your silver lining.

– Chris Talbird


I am grateful for my family, for Catherine, for being included in extended families, for friends past and present, and for the opportunity to work in a profession and an industry that I love and for a company that I respect very much.

Lance Gauntt




I am thankful for God’s many blessings and His unwavering love for us.

-Tom Harvey





This year I grateful for so many things, but most importantly I’m grateful for the start of my “happily ever after.” I married the love of my life/father of my daughter and every day since we have been reunited has been a dream come true. There truly is no better feeling than having your whole family in your arms and being able to kiss the person you love goodnight. So, I’m Most grateful for that, because I know what life is like without it.

-Dani Pechac



“I am grateful for the Ready Fitness Team and my husband Ryan! He’s my BFF and my favorite water ski buddy!!”

Betsy Anderson Gilman





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