Summer is winding down but you can still take your workout outside even into the winter. Yup, escape the four walls and your comfortable treadmill for the wide-open walking trail or just the backyard.

The Mayo Clinic says taking your workout outside can boost self-esteem by releasing endorphins. And soaking up the sun and Vitamin D can decrease the risk of the other D… Depression.  Plus, mixing up your routine just a little in a natural setting can wake up all of your senses and make your work out seem quick.  If the elliptical is still your jam, try stretching out or cooling down outside.


Outdoor yoga can challenge you with uneven surfaces which force the body to work a little harder to stabilize. Being mindful of your form and where you are placing your hands and feet.

The fresh air can also make you more aware of your breathing.  Stay focused and get that zen on.  And your mat can go along for the field trip.


Our Regional Sales Manager Cel Smart recently shared a workout she did with her son for #TeammateTuesday at White Water near Charlotte, North Carolina.  Getting outside with a friend can be a great time to catch up and challenge each other!

And if you can make it a family affair like Cel, well… a family that works out together… stays together!


Seriously… grab your kettle bells and take your lunges down the block.  Or a medicine ball in the front yard.  Some public parks even have weight training areas open to everyone.

If it’s dark when you exercise outside, wear reflective clothing. And if you ride a bike, lights are a good idea. pick shoes with enough traction to prevent falls, especially if it’s wet outside.

Whatever you do… take it outside! And don’t forget the sunscreen!

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